After three resendings of emailed questions and one stonewalled phone call to the Trinidad and Tobago Cybersecurity Incident Response Team (TTCSIRT), the agency responsible for monitoring and responding to cybersecurity attacks responded to questions posed to it on November 03 by TechNewsTT as follows…
Q: When did the TTCSIRT become aware of the dump of TSTT data to the dark web?
A: 27th October, 2023
Q: Did the TTCSIRT contact TSTT to offer its services and assistance?
A: Yes
Q: What was TSTT’s response to that contact if it was made?
A: None
Q: Has the TTCSIRT reviewed the data dump and assessed the risk factors involved in its release?
A: Still ongoing
Q: Does the TTCSIRT believe it has a responsibility to advise the wider public on the risks involved in the public release of this data?
A: Yes, once these are identified.
Q: Has the TTCSIRT advised any companies it believes might be at risk because of exposed credentials in the TSTT data dump?
A: Still to be assessed
[…] Trinidad and Tobago – After three resendings of emailed questions and one stonewalled phone call to the Trinidad and Tobago Cybersecurity Incident Response Team (TTCSIRT), the agency responsible for monitoring and responding to cybersecurity attacks responded to questions posed to it on November 03 by TechNewsTT as follows… more […]