DIRECTV has rallied together some of the local sporting champions to help bring a message of heroism and kindness to the nation’s schools.
The last installment of the Anti- Violence campaign took place at the Carapichaima East Secondary School on November 23rd 2016.
Partnering for the cause against violence is DIRECTV W Connection TT Proleague championship team bringing a message of channeling positive energy to achieve your goals no matter what your passion may be.
The master of ceremony Sunny Bling also brought a powerful message against cyber bullying, informing the audience that their future employers will be using their social media profiles as their reference for job placements. He asked them if they are proud of what they have displayed online today and if not, they should do something about it fast because footage in online lasts forever.
The program consisted of lively demonstrations of football skills from the players, videos demonstrating how kindness is the weapon of makes champions. Students were discouraged from indiscipline behavior patterns and urged to show respect and care for their classmates, teachers, parents and community.