The TT Internet Governance Forum will host two days of online discussions beginning on January 26th and will feature discussions with experts from a range of stakeholder groups. The event is being convened to explore the theme “Creating a Stronger, More Resilient Internet for Trinidad and Tobago’s Shared, Sustainable Future.”
The opening address will be given by Minister of Education, Dr. the Honourable Nyan Gadsby-Dolly
Visit the forum’s website to register and find more information about the event.
The event is hosted by the TT Multistakeholder Advisory Group (TTMAG) which aims to continue the mandate of the United Nations, specifically to…
- Maximize the opportunity for open, inclusive dialogue and the exchange of ideas on Internet governance (IG) related issues;
- Create opportunities to share best practices and experiences;
- Identify emerging issues and bring them to the attention of the relevant bodies and the general public;
- Contribute to capacity building for Internet governance;
- Facilitate inclusive, productive discussions on Internet-related public policy issues from a general perspective, while keeping all stakeholders involved.