Earlier today TSTT discovered a software issue that affected the ability of some prepaid, postpaid and Blackberry customers to use data services. TSTT engineers were able to resolve the data access issue by 9:00 AM, however the Company also identified that some customers lost credit balances as a result of the software issue.
The Company has begun addressing the return of credits to affected accounts and from as early as 4.00 PM today some customers will begin receiving the appropriate credits. Due to the processes involved this is expected to continue over the next 24 hours in order to completely address all affected customer accounts.
TSTT will work to ensure that the chance of a recurrence of this problem is minimised and sincerely apologises to all affected customers for the inconvenience caused. The Company will continue to provide updates on the progress of the restoration of customer credit as this information becomes available.
At 12:30pm today TSTT issued the following update on the status of refunds…
TSTT wishes to advise prepaid, postpaid and BlackBerry customers whose account balances were affected due to a software issue yesterday, that the Company has successfully corrected these balances for approximately 50% of affected customers thus far.
The processing of the return of credits for the remaining customers is continuing and the Company is working to complete this today.