TSTT has issued a statement on a recent jugement by Justice Frank Seepersad on the implementation of fixed-number portability.
Fixed number portability (FNP)_ is a legislative regime that supports the technology access required to switch the provider who completes the circuit for a particular phone number.
Columbus Communications filed a complaint with the Telecommunications Authority complaining of non-compliance since it was introduced by the authority in 2017 for mobile providers with the intention of applying the legislation to fixed mobile numbers as well.
In response, TSTT issued this statement…
As it relates to the recent ruling, TSTT wishes to explicitly state that Columbus Communications Trinidad Limited (‘CCTL’) and the regulator, TATT, were the two key parties involved in the matter.
Following a procedural hearing, TSTT was joined as an interested party, for the purposes of interpreting various aspects of relevant telecoms legislation to determine whether TSTT had a legal obligation to implement fixed number portability. TSTT is concerned about some aspects of the judgement and certain statements made by the learned judge. TSTT is carefully considering all of its options including whether or not to appeal.
It is to be noted that the Court made no mandatory order against TSTT. The Court granted none of the relief sought by CCTL and further considered that no practical purpose would be achieved by making any of the declarations sought by CCTL.
TSTT is mindful of the important role that it and all other stakeholders play in the national telecommunications industry. In this regard, TSTT is committed to ensuring that its customers and the general public benefit from the rollout of number portability in a manner that is fair, transparent, and lawful.
TATT issued its final notice on number portability for both fixed and mobile numbers which was due for implementation on November 28, 2016 in October 2016. One of the provisions of the notice was the possibility of levying a fine of $50,000 per day for each day of non-compliance. By that point, number portability had been delayed by several months as the regulator and telecommunications companies discussed the matter.
In July 2020, Digicel filed an injunction against TSTT complaining about the slow pace of number portability experienced by its customers.
TATT issued this statement about the judgement.