Press Releases

Samsung’s Code IoT 2020 courses available

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Samsung has started its Code IoT program which is offered for free to everyone, anywhere. People interested in topics such as programming, basic electronics, Internet of Things, among others, can take advantage of the current period of work from home to study the six courses offered by the platform. To register, simply access the website.

Carried out in collaboration with LSI-TEC (Laboratory of Integrated Technological Systems), the online courses are aimed at the public seeking an insertion in this new scenario of integration between software and hardware. The Code IoT will certify, at the end of the course, the students who complete all the modules. The course is offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

In addition to the content in videos, texts and exercises, students have a discussion forum available.

“Distance education is perfect for those who want to take the opportunity to expand their knowledge on current issues. Code IoT is a platform that has already trained more than 15,000 students and brings together courses that range from programming games and animations to configuring electronic circuits, “says Isabel Costa, Corporate Citizenship Manager of Samsung Brazil.

Educational Packages

Samsung has also announced an exclusive educational package for its laptops which can be useful tools for teachers and students.

The laptops have unique features designed to enhance learning. The first of these tools is the Samsung Recorder Plus, an application to record classes and that allows you to write notes or reminders at the same time that the computer captures the audio. In presentations, the student can take advantage of the feature to record specific excerpts for later reference.

The second tool is the Samsung Recorder Plus with stylus. This powerful stylus allows for intuitive writing on the laptop screen. It detects what the student wrote by hand and automatically transforms it into characters, therefore there is no need for the user to re-enter all the information they have already written.

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