Press Releases

Microsoft continues free Xamarin training

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 Xamarin & Azure Workshop on Saturday 19th November

Xamarin Dev Days TT Saturday 10th December 2016

Microsoft West Indies invites you to a host of FREE, unique, hands-on developer workshops in Nov and December which covers developing business apps with C#, native cross platform mobile apps for Android, Windows and iOS using Xamarin, developing on the Unity Game Dev and VR engine and also explores developing on the robust Microsoft Azure Cloud platform which supports over 300,000 active Azure websites, over 1,000,000 Azure SQL Databases and more than 1.65 million developers registered with Visual Studio Online.

The workshops take place in November and December 2016 at the Microsoft Trinidad office at 61 Mucurapo Road, St. James, POS, Trinidad as well as the Microsoft Innovation Centre.

The FREE workshops also include Trinidad’s first ever Xamarin Dev Day on Saturday 10th December, 2016 which is an intense workshop covering cross platform mobile app development for Android, Windows and iOS using the Xamarin platform in our Visual Studio integrated development environment. Today’s session begins at 10:00am.

Now is your chance to capitalize on the opportunity to learn how to develop apps easily to run on the three major platforms with up to 90% code reuse and Xamarin is now entirely free with Visual Studio as of March 2016 “Xamarin For All”.

Lunch And Parking Will Also Be Provided. Also, computers will be provided for workshops at the MIC but for workshops at the Microsoft POS office you must bring your laptop with Visual Studio Community 2015 Update 3 installed which can be downloaded totally free.

In order to register please see below and email or call 751-2479.

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