Press Releases

bMobile calls to Digicel numbers failing (updated)

1 Mins read

TSTT has been advised that bMobile customers attempting to make calls to Digicel numbers are unable to do so due to an issue Digicel is working to resolve.

TSTT will continue to assist with feedback on problems being experienced by bMobile customers with a view to supporting Digicel in having this issue resolved in the shortest possible time.

The Company regrets any inconvenience to customers and will provide updates as more information becomes available.

[Updated at 12:09pm]

TSTT wishes to thank Mobile customers for their patience. The connectivity issue at Digicel was resolved and calls between the networks have been restored.

TSTT will continue to monitor this situation and will assess the report on the cause of the issue when that becomes available, to determine how it can help to minimise the risk of any re-occurrence.

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8 years ago

Wake me up when they offer the Honor 6x locally.

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