Questions sent to TSTT on May 27, 2021. These questions were answered eventually here.
You are back and in the as CEO at TSTT, what is that like after all these years?
What were your priorities when you were asked to act as CEO last year?
What did you believe were the pain points of the company at that time and what actions have you taken to manage them?
How has Amplia performed as a business sector since it was bought by TSTT?
Amplia was announced and deployed in competition with Digicel Play and was widely perceived as being crushed by Digicel’s marketing and sign-up strategies. Are you happy with your stewardship of that broadband company since its inception?
TSTT announced its zero-copper initiative in 2018. Very little has been heard about that project since the launch in September of that year. On a personal note, I asked to test the service at the launch and to date, it has not been made available in St James, where I have my home-office. What is the status of that project and has TSTT set a date for the sunset of its copperline service?
The company experienced several rocky years with its billing services and backend software. Can you state decisively that all those issues have finally been resolved to your satisfaction as CEO?
TSTT’s board announced a five-year strategic plan in 2016. That should, logically, end this year. Is there a new plan in the works? Has the company benchmarked its achievements for the first five-year plan against what was planned?
In a world of IP driven content and real-time delivery, what is the strategy to make TSTT’s cable offerings relevant to its business strategy? Has that business sector performed to expectations? Is it time to cut that cable?
Is there a long term strategy for the Vigilance product? I am a customer and it represented the greatest value among equivalent offerings locally but it is neither aggressively marketed nor is it being developed technologically in any significant way. The product I paid for five years ago is still the same product that’s being delivered now.
TSTT’s anchor product appears to be mobile broadband. What is the strategy for making a stronger push into that space?
Digicel’s CEO recently made a call for greater collaboration on delivering connectivity to the underserved in Trinidad and Tobago. Is that an initiative and a challenge that TSTT under your leadership is willing to take up?