“Countries throughout the world are making use of advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to improve the efficiency, availability and reliability of their electrical power grids.
The application of ICTs to these grids results in what is typically called a Smart Grid (SG).
Such smart grids use secure communication technologies and computational intelligence in an integrated fashion across electricity generation, transmission and distribution networks to achieve a cleaner, safer, securer, more reliable, more resilient, more efficient and sustainable system.
The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission has already started introducing ICTs into their grid using Advanced Metering Infrastructure.
The University of the West Indies is collaborating with the Ministry of Energy & Energy Affairs and the Commission to investigate additional technologies that can be introduced. Our joint team invites the general public to this forum to know the benefits of a Smart Grid, its implementation challenges and how they too can participate in forming a nationwide smart grid.”
The event features contributions from Randy Ramadhar Singh, Adviser to the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs, Varma Ratan, Manager, Metering Services at TTEC and Dr Sanjay Bahadoorsingh, Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UWI.
The event is free, but space is limited, so if you’d like to attend, contact Dr Davinder Pal Sharma at UWI’s Department of Physics at 662-2002 x83105 or via e-mail at contact@smartgridtt.com.
You can also register on the web.