Trust for the Americas, a non-profit organisation affiliated with the Organisation of American States, has partnered with the Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) and the Citi Foundation to host a new virtual event designed to support young innovators and distruptive entrepreneurs.
In a recent press release on the project launch, it was noted that according to the Inter-American Development Bank, one in five youth between the ages of 15 and 24 are not in school, nor are they part of the workforce.
The Trinidad and Tobago DIA Lab, an acronym for Democratizing Innovation in the Americas, launched its first DIA Urban Lab for Youth Innovation in Jamaica in 2016 and over the next four years, 1,350 youth “received training and access to the state-of-the-art technology to solve challenges in their communities.”
In the release, CARIRI’s Human Resource Manager, Ms. Denise Ferguson stated that: “Building capacity in Trinidad and Tobago has always been at the forefront of CARIRIs mandate.”
“This new initiative will allow us to expand our scope into an area that allows at-risk youth to become entrepreneurs, ideators, and innovators”.
Rodrigo Iriani, Senior Program Manager, DIA, explained that, “DIA is about empowering citizens for social change through collective intelligence.”
The CARIRI ICT team was said to be using 4RI technology to deliver a core curriculum that emphasises digital literacy, data science, computer science and new technologies.
The term 4RI references the fourth industrial revolution and usually includes some use of AI technologies.
More information and updates are available at the project’s website.