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Columbus Business upgrades tech at Fatima College

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Above (left to right, back row): David D’Oliveira, vice president Columbus Busienss Solutions, Fr. Gregory Augustine principal of Fatima and Dwight Andrews, President of the Fatima Old Boys Association with students at the school.

Columbus Business Solutions has partnered with Fatima College via the Fatima Old Boys Association to introduce cutting edge, technology-based Education on the College’s campus in Trinidad. The first phase of the partnership is the implementation of campus wide Secure Wi-Fi Internet Access along with the SMART Technology Interactive Learning solution in each classroom as well as an ongoing interactive learning teacher development program. The entire solution is being delivered as a managed service.

Speaking at the formal announcement of the partnership held at the School’s campus, Father Gregory, Principal of Fatima College noted that: “Exposing our students to innovative ways to access educational content and learning every day in the classroom means that interest is heightened, motivation is stimulated and the boundaries of learning are uncapped. Indeed, through CBS’ technology implementation, Fatima College leap-frogs into advanced learning in the classroom. This now means that a number of students currently have access to the solution in all of our classrooms.”

The project is being funded by the Fatima Old Boys Association (FOBA). Dwight Andrews, President of the Association said, “FOBA responds to the requests and needs of the school. Our responsibility as the fundraising arm of the school stakeholders is to support and encourage the installation of Smart Boards. This progressive approach as it relates to education has become necessary.

This new technology will pioneer education in Trinidad and Tobago and place Fatima college at the forefront in technological advancement. No longer will smart phones, tablets and laptops be seen as a nuisance; instead they will be used to maximize the learning potential of the boys. The world is rapidly and continuously changing and we are both prepared and required to adapt to our new realities. The 21st century child must be technologically savvy. Additionally they must  have access to the widest possible range of information often in real time. It’s simply the new normal.”

VP, Government and Business for Columbus, David D’ Oliveira, in expressing his perspective on the partnership added that “CBS is proud that our Interactive Learning Managed Services Solution powered by SMART Technology and our dedicated high-speed fibre internet connection has been adopted by Fatima College in Trinidad and Tobago. We’ve seen the positive impact of the learning solution in other schools in Trinidad that have implemented this solution however we are convinced that Fatima’s bold decision to roll out this revolutionary learning solution to all classes from day one, will have a transformational effect across the entire school and will catapult Fatima to become the most technology advanced school across the entire Caribbean.”

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