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The 2014 IADB report on broadband development

1 Mins read

From the abstract of the paper…

“This discussion paper describes the methodology used to compute the Broadband Development Index (IDBA, Indice de Desarrollo de la Banda Ancha).

The main goal of the IDBA is to size the Digital Divide in Latin America and the Caribbean by measuring the state of broadband development in the 26 Bank-member countries, as well as in additional reference countries (64 nations in total).

The IDBA is a powerful tool to identify the magnitude of the gap in two different geographic approached, first when we compare the state of the art of one country versus the cluster region the country belongs to, and second, when we compare the country with respect to the OECD.

The IDBA relies on a comprehensive approach based on four pillars: infrastructure, applications and capacity, strategic regulations, and public policy and strategic vision.”

Download the report in PDF format here.

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