Press Releases

Global Finance names Republic best digital bank

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Republic Bank has received the Global Finance Award for being Trinidad and Tobago’s Best Consumer Digital Bank.

The award comes as the Bank continues to expand its service offerings to include a range of digital services including Republic Online internet banking, the Republic Mobile App, Cardless Cash ABM Withdrawals and online Banking by Appointment which allows customers to book in-branch appointments at their convenience.

In selecting Republic Bank for the award, the editors of Global Finance Magazine considered a wide range of criteria including the design and functionality of its website and mobile app, the breadth of the Bank’s digital service offerings, its success in getting customers to use its digital services and the benefits customers are able to garner from these services.

Of these benchmarks, the Bank counts the benefits gained by customers as a special point of pride, citing the ability to deliver secure, convenient and flexible banking services as a key motivating factor behind their digital banking drive.

This focus is also in keeping with industry trends which have seen the financial services sector experience significant technology-led changes in recent years in response to the changing needs and expectations of an increasingly tech savvy public.

Digital services have not only proven useful in helping banks, like Republic Bank, anticipate and respond to their customers’ needs, they have also helped them to do so with greater speed and efficiency.

In announcing their win, the Bank expressed their gratitude to their customers for their loyalty and support and stressed their commitment to leveraging the power of technology to provide the best banking experience possible.

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